Friday, August 28, 2015

The Kiss Of Deception Book Review

I was so excited to get my hands on this book when it was hitting the shelves. The Kiss of Deception was put on shelves July 2014 but I had it on my shelve for a while before I finally read it. The Kiss of Deception written by Mary E Pearson is about a Princess who decides she will run away from her arranged marriage on the morning of her wedding with her best friend. After she leaves someone hires an assassin to come kill her while the Prince she was suppose to marry that she never met comes to find out what this princess is like. He feels the need to meet a Princess who had the bravery to escape an arranged marriage. During this book (over half) you do not know who the assassin is and who the prince is. This book is written in three perspectives, the prince, the assassin and the princess. We only get a couple pages for the assassin and prince per chapter in their perspective. We mostly see the perspective of the princess.This book was very well hyped and did not disappointment me what so ever. I rated it a 5 out of 5 stars. I will admit that during the book it was definitely driving me crazy not being able to identify the prince and the assassin. But this sure made me want to push through faster and made me stay in the book for longer periods of time. This book does consist of a love triangle so if you do not like love triangles I would encourage you to still give it a try as this book does not revolve around it. There is so much more going on in this book other than that. We did get a lot of world building and introduction to characters and some understand into each one. There was action, adventure, and a lot of story telling that revolved around self-  discovery. We did find that we finally have a protagonist who is not written as a perfect character with very little flaws if not any at all. As reading this book I found myself connecting with the Princess in a few ways. She feels like someone I would meet in real life verses a made up character. She was a very real life character. We did find that she did have many things she was not good at, didn't see herself as a princess who demanded to be treated like one or yet acted like one really.  The world building was wonderful to me. It was not too much at once. I also feel in love with all the characters. I did find myself loving the prince and the assassin but towards the second half of the book I found myself not liking one any longer. I will also say that this book is a great book for high school students considering that it was not nasty written in any way and did not have any nudity scenes or inappropriate scenes. The second book was released in July 2015 which I did purchase as soon as it hit the shelves. I will be reading book two and doing a review of it as well. Book Two is called Heart of Betrayal. With that being said I would recommend this book for everyone to read. If you like the Royal times settings, fantasy, politics, or just a book that makes you think this is the book for you. I also have a video on Youtube discussing this book. I will not go too much into detail due to spoilers but feel free to let me know if you would like a full discussion of this book.

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